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Freedom business model

Someone has recently asked me what it means to me to have freedom in business. Do you know how to create a successful business following the freedom business model?

Most people think that entrepreneurs have a lot of freedom, and in a way, they are right. Freedom to work when you like is one of the main reasons lots of people start their business, but there are other freedoms, such as financial freedom.  You could earn a lot more working for yourself than working for someone else. 

Freedom for me, as a business owner, woman, and mother means that,
  • I can drop off and pick up my kids, and I don't have to rush.
  • I can pop to a parent even at school, and I don't have to beg for time off.
  • I can organise my day how I like. (Sometimes I go to Yoga or visit a gallery with a friend)
  • I have my morning coffee in the garden when it's sunny.
  • I can choose who I want to work with, which is a biggie for me because I invest my time in helping clients succeed in their business, and therefore I need to get on with them.

Most business owners love what they do. The love for their job is one of the main reasons they have set up their business. As a solopreneur, you do all the jobs in your business, which means you will have to make up the time you take off, and you may work late at night to finish all your jobs in time.

Work smarter, not harder
I am a firm believer in working smarter, not harder. Having a business providing services or selling goods doesn't mean you have to be time-poor. It just means that you have to be very organised in your business and try to replace yourself with a process that will run your business instead of you.
  • Try to create a process for everything you do
  • If there is a software to make your life easier, use it
  • If there is something you can't or hate doing, outsource it. Guess what? You don't have to do everything by yourself. People will be happy to help you. 

Time is the only commodity we can't get more of. Surround yourself with people who want to achieve similar goals and will help you reach them faster. It's easier when you can ask a question than spend hours searching for answers online. If you want to meet like-minded women in business, join my free FB group, "Business struggle to success", and share your business journey with us. 

To understand your business properly and what you want from it, start by writing a business plan. To put it simply, a business plan describes how your business will achieve its goals. You could imagine it being a roadmap that will take you through all objectives. It's a written document describing your business' core activities, dreams and plans to achieve its goals. To make it easy for yourself, follow the six steps or contact me for help.

Don't just create a business that will take away all your free time; follow the business freedom model to have a life of freedom and business working around your commitments.

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